Saturday, March 14, 2015

And so it begins...

For 2 1/2 years, since having my precious little one, I've lived life depressed, unhappy, and just plain miserable.  It's amazing to me  how much weight can affect your mood and even your personality.  Take for instance me.  Pre-baby weight, I wasn't the skinniest thing in the world, but oh, I was so outgoing and so happy to be in a group of people.  Add on 33 lbs and my world came crashing down to someone who avoided crowds, avoided conversation, and just in general felt awkward.  Flash to 3 weeks ago.  I was spending my evening, as usual, on Pinterst, wasting time, dreaming of the day I would be thin again, and landed upon a fabulous blog that totally inspired me.  Thanks to Sugar Free Like Me's blog, I decided to make a change.  And when I say decided, it was on a whim.  I was so inspired I started that next day - regardless of the amount of carbs still in my cabinets - and I haven't turned back since.

Dating Weight:  126 lbs
Married Weight:  131 lbs
Pre-pregnancy Weight:  142 lbs
Pregnancy Weight:  175 lbs
Current Weight:  151 lbs

Weigh day is every Tuesday.  I should tell you that I began my weight loss journey officially the last week of December at 164 lbs.  Although, I was on a diet, I was still stopping at McDonald's on a daily basis for 3 for a $1.00 chocolate chip cookies and a medium (sometimes large) caramel mocha frappe and for good merit I would order it with non-fat milk.

So since December, I've lost 13 lbs.  Since beginning low carb I've lost 5 lbs.

***Fast Forward***
It is now, December 8th, 2015.  And unfortunately I did look back to carbs on vacation in September, which led me down a slippery slope.  I would venture to say I'm back up to 149 lbs, but don't want to weigh yet.  Here's to getting back in track. 

I'll fill you in on the last few months next time.  Just know that I did succeed to getting to 132 lbs. 

Talk at you soon my fellow low carbers!